What is the Narcotics Anonymous program?
NA is a nonprofit fellowship or society of men and women for whom drugs had become a major problem. We are recovering addicts who meet regularly to help each other stay clean. This is a program of complete abstinence from all drugs. There is only one requirement for membership, the desire to stop using. We suggest that you keep an open mind and give yourself a break. Our program is a set of principles written so simply that we can follow them in our daily lives. The most important thing about them is that they work.
There are no strings attached to NA. We are not affiliated with any other organizations. We have no initiation fees or dues, no pledges to sign, no promises to make to anyone. We are not connected with any political, religious, or law enforcement groups, and are under no surveillance at any time. Anyone may join us regardless of age, race, sexual identity, creed, religion, or lack of religion.

We are not interested in what or how much you used or who your connections were, what you have done in the past, how much or how little you have, but only in what you want to do about your problem and how we can help. The newcomer is the most important person at any meeting, because we can only keep what we have by giving it away. We have learned from our group experience that those who keep coming to our meetings regularly stay clean.

About Online Nepali Meeting
We are simply addicts recovering from disease of addiction. ONMG has started in 2014 by few addicts from Nepal living abroad through Skype initially with one meeting per week. The group began in hopes to find and reach out to the addicts from Nepal who are also living abroad and stay connected. Slowly it started to grow and within a year or so we had 10-15 addicts who attended the meeting regularly what it used to be only 4-5 addicts in the beginning.
Slowly the meeting started to grow even more and with the help of willing members in the group, their dedication and love of the fellowship the number of meetings also grew along with the number of addicts. Today we have 9 meetings a week including 1 meeting for female members only. We have truly reached to the point where our base has become wider and the point of freedom is higher. And We trust and believe it will continue to grow.

As our vision states every addict in the world has the chance to experience our message in his or her own language and culture and find the opportunity for a new way of life, we continue to strive to reach out to all Nepali addicts who don’t have access to face to face meetings and serve addicts as a gateway to recovery through our platform. With gratitude in our recovery, we dedicate our Online Nepali Meeting Group to the loving service of our Higher Power. That through the development of a conscious contact with God, no addict seeking recovery need die without a chance to find a better way of life. We remain trusted servants in gratitude and loving service, Online Nepali Meeting Group to them all.

Online Nepali Meeting Via ZOOM , Narcotics Anonymous Meeting Group.
Online Nepali Meeting Schedule
All times are based on nepali time and we are not affiliated with zoom

  • Passcode-2014
  • SUNDAY :- 00:45 - 02:00 AM (Closed Meeting)
  • 1st Week: IP Reading Meeting
  • 2nd Week : Just For Today Meeting
  • 3rd Week : Speaker Meeting
  • 4th Week : Topics Meeting
  • 5th Week : Gereral Sharing Meeting
    • SUNDAY :-08:00 - 09:15 PM (Closed Meeting)
      • 1st week: IP reading Meeting
      • 2nd week: Topic Meeting
      • 3rd week: Speaker Meeting
      • 4th week: Tag Meeting
      • 5th week: Literature Meeting
    MONDAY :- 08:00 - -9:15 PM (Closed Meeting)
    TUESDAY:- 08:00 - 09:15 PM (Closed Meeting)
    • 1st Week : Literature Reading Meeting
    • 2nd Week : Topic Meeting
    • 3rd Week : Speaker Meeting
    • 4th Week : Topic Meeting
    • 5th Week : Gereral Sharing Meeting
    WEDNESDAY :- 08:00 - 09:15 PM (Closed Meeting)
    • 1st Week: IP Reading Meeting
    • 2nd Week : Literature Reading Meeting (12-steps)
    • 3rd Week : Topic Meeting
    • 4th Week : Speaker Meeting
    • 5th Week : Gereral Sharing Meeting
    THURSDAY :- 08:00 - 09:15 PM (Closed Meeting)
    • 1st Week : Step Meeting with Speaker
    • 2nd Week : Topics Meeting from lines of Basic Text
    • 3rd Week : Speaker Meeting with National/International speakers
    • 4th Week : Tag Meeting with Topics
    • 5th Week : Newcomer Meeting
    FRIDAY :- 00:45 - 02:00 AM (Open Meeting)
    • Topic Meeting
      FRIDAY :- 08:00- 09:15 PM (Closed Meeting)
      • 1st week : Newcomer Meeting
      • 2nd week : IP Reading Meeting
      • 3rd week :12-Tradition (speaker) Meeting
      • 4th Week :Meditation Meeting
      • 5th Week :Key Tag Meeting
    SATURDAY :- 09:45 - 11:00 AM (Closed Meeting)
    • 1st week : Living Clean study meeting
    • 2nd week : Newcomer Meeting
    • 3rd week : Speaker Meeting
    • 4th week : Just For Today Meeting
    • 5th week : Topic Meeting
    SATURDAY: 08:00 - 09:15 PM (NPT) Only for Female (Closed Meeting)

    Closed Meeting—meeting only for addicts or those who think they might have a drug problem
    Open Meeting—meeting that welcomes anyone to attend, including interested non-addicts

    ONM Clean Time Calculator

    Our Literature

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    IP #1 - Who, What, How and Why?

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    IP #2 - The Group

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    IP #5 - Another Look

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    IP #6 - Recovery & Relapse

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    IP #7 - Am I an Addict?

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    IP #8 - Just for Today

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    IP #9 - Living the Programme

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    IP #11 - Sponsorship

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    IP #12 - The Triangle of Seld-obsession

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    IP #14 - One Addict’s Experience ...

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    IP #15 - PI & the NA Member

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    IP #16 - For the Newcomer

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    IP #17 - For Those in Treatment

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    IP #28 - Funding NA Services

    Our 7th Tradition states that “Every NA group ought to be fully self supporting declining outside contributions.” The money you donate pays for any meeting expenses and literature, anything left over is donated to the Nepal region to help carry the message to the addict who still suffers. If you are unable to donate at this time, please keep coming back. We need you much more than your money and the third tradition states “The only requirement for NA Membership is the desire to stop using.”
